Monday, September 24, 2012

Not much...

for me to do this week. I mean really, not much at all. It's a pretty slow week.

I finished the custom order. Yay! Took me forever, but I finally finished. I didn't quite get it to 50 x 50, though. You see, I ran out of yarn. I had more of 3 of the colors, but not of one of them. And Nancy (the lady that ordered it) had been waiting for a long time, and so I didn't really want to make her wait until the next time we went into town, so I just stopped where I was. But, I was at the very MOST 5 inches away, so it's not that big of a deal. I let Nancy know, and she seemed just fine with it. In fact, she emailed me today and said that she got the blanket today and that she really liked it, and couldn't wait to give it to Zachary. (Her great-nephew) That made me pretty happy. :)

I also finished the order for the 4 blankets. I got that shipped early last week, I think. (This is a big 'I finished' post :D)

I still have the blanket for Dad's customer to make. I have to ask Dad if he knows when he's going to see him again. That way I have a date that I have to get the blanket done by. It always helps to have a date. That's why I started saying in my blanket descriptions that I would get my blankets shipped out in X number of days. So I have a goal. It's a lot better than thinking to myself, 'Well, I have to get this done soon, but it can wait'. Plus, I don't have any emails anymore going "When is my blanket going to be shipped?"

I finished a teal blanket and a shell blanket that I had to make today, and I'll get them shipped out this afternoon. Right now there's a guy here fixing the windshield on our van, so we can't go anywhere.

I also have another shell blanket that I'm working on. It's another custom order. Same size, different colors. She wants light gray, navy blue and 'Cleveland Brown' (bright) orange. When I first got that request, I was kinda' hesitant. Not because I couldn't do it, but because I thought it was a strage color combination. But of course, I said I could do it, and now I'm about a fifth of the way into it. And hey, it actually looks pretty good. Not colors I would have chosen, but it is still cool.

Part of the reason that I don't have that much to do is that I deactivated all of my listings last week so that I could get caught up with orders. I just had too many and I couldn't stand any more. I think at that time I had 8 blankets to do. Yup, time to call it quits for a week. But I put most of them back up this week. It was driving me crazy seeing that my shop stats said 0 views. I mean really, it was driving me crazy. There were so many times the past week that I wanted to put them up anyway. But I kept having to tell myself, "Kayla, you have lots of blankets you have to make. Remember earlier this year when you had 10 or 11 to do at any given time? You really want that to happen? Leave them down until you finish. (Or at least are really close)" And I'm really close. So I put them back up. :D

Oh! I just remembered. I do have one more blanket that I have to make. My sister Hannah sold a blanket in her shop the other day, and so I have to make it. You see, the way that it works is that for some of my blankets, if she buys the yarn, she gets part of the money. Then I pay for the shipping and actually make the blanket. So that's the case with this blanket. She put it in her shop, (I would put the link but I don't remember what it is) and it sold! Her first sale on Etsy! Now, the blankets that are in her shop are in mine too, and both she and Sarah have sold several through that. I'm glad for them. And of course, whenever I give Sarah the cash, she always wants to spend it THAT DAY. You know how little kids are. :) So anyway, I have that blanket to make. So technically I have 3 blankets to make right now, and now that my blankets are back up, I'll probably have more by the end of the week.

That's all for now! Later!

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