Monday, October 1, 2012


About this week... Let's just say my fingers have not been moving very fast this last week. At all. It's been even slower this week than last. Of course, I suppose that's not such a bad thing, considering we're moving in 2 weeks. We were aiming for today, actually, but that didn't work, so we moved it to the 12th. So, I suppose it's a good thing that I haven't had much to do this week, it gives me some time to work on moving.

In the last week I haven't sold any blankets. None. I knew when I deactivated all my listings that this would happen for awhile when I put them back up, but I still don't like it. My views are in the tank, and most of the views I do get are from people looking through my shop, not through search, like they used to be. (I guess that means that before I had good SEO. :D )

I have sold 3 patterns, though. Not much, but it's better than nothing.

What IS good about this week though is I've had some time to make some new blankets. Yes! I haven't had time to make any new blankets in I-don't-know-how-long. I've been busy with orders. But, since I haven't lately, I've made some good progress. I finished a white and lavender ripple blanket, which is one of my new favorites. I would list it, and I took pictures of it, but I can't find the camera USB cord. Oops! Not quite sure what happened to it. But hey, we're moving, I'm sure we'll find it as we do more packing. So I finished that one, I'm working on a white and pine green ripple, and I've worked on a couple shell blankets. I have one that's white, paddy green and amethyst purple, one that's white, peach and light yellow, (think candy corn!) and one that's white, light green and light blue. I'm hoping to finish the ripple and at least 2 of the shells by Saturday. Why? Because I'm setting up at Rex Allen Days 2012 in Willcox, Arizona. We go every year and it is so much fun. I set up last year, and I only sold one blanket. But then the focus was on the jam that our family had made, not on my blankets. I pretty much just took them to use up table space. Plus, I've lowered my prices since last October. I'm hoping I'll do ok this year. And it's not really even for the money aspect, (because I don't do all this for money, I do it becuase it's fun) it's mostly because I want to get rid of the blankets. You see, the house that we're moving to is alot smaller, and so I don't have as much room. As of right now, most of my blankets that sell are out of stock, so I have to make them anyway. It's not gonna' hurt to do that with every blanket in my shop.

So I'm excited about this weekend. Should be fun. :) Even if I don't sell much, it's just fun to be there. There's a whole lot to see, a lot of people to talk to, a parade Saturday morning, plus we know the people that own a store right across the street. You see, it's set up at a little park right by some train tracks. (It can get a little loud. :) ) Across the street it's all western-like, (like all of downtown Willcox) with a couple museums, an old-fashioned movie theatre, the Willcox Commercial, (it sells western clothes and stuff, and that's the store that we know the owner's family) and some other stuff. It's pretty awesome.  :) So, I'll have a lot to talk about next week. It may not be too much about the blankets, though. :D

I still do have to make the blanket for Hannah, though. We just got the yarn Saturday, so I need to start working on it. Apparently she told her customer that she (I) could get it out by the beginning of this week. Yeah. Thanks for asking me first, Hannah. *sigh* Oh well. She's so sweet, but sometimes she doesn't have any consideration for me and what I'm busy with. Like she is constantly telling people when they're asking about custom orders, "Oh yeah, I can do that" Well, the only thing about that is that you aren't the one who is going to have to do it, I am. And I have my own shop, with my own orders and my own customers. I mean, don't think I'm being mean. I really like being able to help her earn some extra money, it can just be somewhat frustrating sometimes.

Oh! I just remembered! I got a Christmas present earlier today! Well, ok. Not an actual Christmas present, but it feels like it. I ordered a BUNCH of yarn at the other day, and it came today! Woohoo! The box is HUGE. I decided that it would be a good idea to order a bunch of the colors that I use the most, because, since we're moving, I'm not going to be able to go get yarn that often. So if I have an order come in, and I don't have it, right now I most likely have all the yarn I need to make it. That should help. Plus, what was awesome was that I got the yarn on sale for 2.50 a skein instead of 2.99, plus free shipping! Added bonus! I ordered altogether 30 skeins of the Super Saver yarn and 2 of the Caron One Pound yarns. I know that most of you probably don't care exactly what yarn I got, but it's fun writing about it, so I'm going to do it anyway. :D I got:

5 lt. yellow
5 lt. pink
5 med. purple
3 turquoise
3 brown
3 Aruba Sea, and
6 white

Then I got one each of the one pound skeins in lavender and peach.

Now, the only problem is finding a good place to store it until I use it! :D Oh well. I'll figure it out.

That's all for this week. Later!

Oh! Something I've been meaning to ask for awhile..

P.S. Does anybody else like my background as much as I do? I absolutely LOVE it. I wish I could find something more craft-related, but it's pretty, so who cares??? :D